"One day all the mistakes you've ever made will come back to haunt you." -Dad. For the most part I think this can be true. A majority of the things I have done in the past already have or are beginning to have consequences. It's my fault. I have no problem whatsoever owning up to that. But now I'm starting to regret most of the decisions that I've made. They've put me into a place that I don't like to be in. With every new guy that I meet I always have to wonder if he actually likes me for me or if he's just looking for some action. As of late it's more often than not been the second one. Anyone who knows what I've done during school in 6th minus 2nd period, knows exactly what I'm talking about. And I can't even begin to tell you how much that hurts. All I want is a guy who likes and respects me for who I am. Sure there will be physical benefits, I mea all relationships have them. I'm not talking about sex on the second date or whatever but slowly accumulating over time. Is that really too much to ask for? I mean yeah, teenage guys think with their dick and not their brain but why would someone want to be a cliche? Guys, unless the girl is a slut she isn't looking for a dick, she wants a man. To quote a line from my favorite movie, Say Anything; 'The world is full of guys. Be a man." I think that sums it up better than I ever could. Have a great day :D