Dream (n): a succesion of images, emotions or thoughts passing through the mind during sleep. Well lately some pretty weird images, emotions and thoughts have been passing through my nights sleep. Maybe it's not as strange as diamonds in my hoo-hoo, but I still end up really confused when I wake up in the morning. I mean these are things I don't usually think of during the day, or at all for that matter, and here they are popping up in my head while I snooze. Aren't dreams supposed to have some secret meaning into what your subconscious is thinking or desires? If that's the case then my subconscious needs to catch up to the conscious part of my brain because I have no idea why in the hell I would think about the things I've been having dreams about. Well I have also heard that you can dream about the last thing you thought of before you went to sleep. That I can see being more plausible because on occasion I've just thought about different people from school or the bus or somewhere else. Not really sure why I do it. Maybe I'm just curious about what their lives are like, especially people on the bus. Anyways, but sometimes there are things I never think of before I go to sleep that pop in my head. Dreams are confusing in general. For one, even if you sleep for hours the dream still only seems to last for a couple minutes. And for two, why do they always end right when it's getting good? Which leads me to three, when you wake up in the middle of a fantastic dream, why is it when you fall back asleep that it never seems to come back? I guess we'll never know unless dreams decide to talk one day. But don't hold your breath.