I've been doing a lot of thinking this summer and I've come to one conclusion; some people really need to get over themselves. I for one am sick of everyone walking around like they are the shit. You guys just piss me off. Person Numero Uno: you are one of my closest friends but you can annoy the shit of me. Most of the time you think far to highly of yourself. You are gorgeous don't get me wrong, but you are not the most stunning thing on this planet. You also do this thing where you constantly put me down. Sometimes you do it on purpose and I can tell. But most of the time it's hard to tell if you know what you're doing or not. Another thing is that you seem to compliment fish a lot. At first I didn't notice it but I have lately. These past few weeks you've been doing better but I can see you slipping back into your old patterns. Like I said, I adore you and everything but there is a reason I haven't seen you much this summer hun. Person Numero Dos: I used to like you at one point but I do NOT anymore. I'm sorry I was too emotionally attached, or whatever you said, before. I want to be friends with you right now because you're extremely funny and can be a pretty cool kid. But this bullcrap of talking to me then ignoring me because I put a song lyric as my staus that you think is about is getting pretty old. Don't think I can quite deal with your bipolarness. You two probably know who you are. Well I know at least number two does. So whatever just consider what I said and if you're mad or whatever then that's good for you. I can't try and hold back what I want to say all the time just to please you. Sometimes I need to please myself as well. On another note, school starts in exactly thirty days. Holy crapp! The summer seems to have gone by really fast but then I noticed there were thirty days left and it seemed to have gone by slowly at the same time. I don't know. I guess it's probably because I have done pretty much zilch all summer except hang out with people. The farthest away from home I've gotten is Hood Canal. Whoopie I'm exciting! Not... Well I am wiped so I'll probably go play Sims2 again and then catch some z's.