I follow other peoples blogs and I agree with Grace, I feel like I am insanely behind on my postings. I used to post like three times a week now it's down to once a month basically. Anyways, my brownies are in the oven at the moment and I can smell them. Not to toot my own horn but I've become really good at baking brownies. Hmm let's see hear, I don't know what to talk about. There's so much going on that I guess I just don't know where to begin. We should start with applications. They are the freaking worst! I've filled out ten by hand so far and two online. Well I know once I get a job it will all be worth it, it's just super stressful and boring. I've applied at clothing stores, Jamba Juice, and Bartell's if you have any other ideas they would be great to hear (: Uhm my second order of business in gymnastics. I'm getting super bendy. I never used to be able to split on my right leg but now I'm soooo close to touching the ground. Haha. I'm kind of sad it's almost over. I really enjoy having something to do at night. Plus there are guys with phenomenal abs there. Have to wait until November to see them again, whatta buzzkill. Thirdly, if you didn't know this already I got a super bad sunburn ALL over my body last Thursday. I looked like a tomato. Not even exaggerating. What sucked was my dad still made me go to practice. Because of that my hips got really weird since I was rubbing the raw, burned skin on the bars when we did that event. I think I went through almost a full bottle of Aloe Vera gel in three days. I guess next time I should wear sunscreen XD. This post is just a way for me to get out the extra clutter occupying my brain. Now it's all nice and neat again. The next post will be a bit more interesting, I promise. P.S: SHOUT OUT TO KATIE BUGGGG <3