I do. I have so many things I would adore being able to tell you. But it's so hard. I mean even just last nights conversation was a struggle for me. You are one of the most amazing kids that I know. And I know you're reading this and going "Wow this girl is pathetic." Which I am. Haha. Liking a guy who just wants to be friends? I mean really, how much more dumb can you get? Not much I reckon. I tried hard to tell you what I wanted to before. But I couldn't get it all out in the open. And I still can't. As hard as I try, I just don't know how to say it to you. I mean, trust me, I am fine with being just friends. I still want you in my life even if it's just buddy buddy. But this entry is not just about you. It's about the all the people I can't say things too. So this entry is going to be like one of those Facebook/Myspace things where you list different things you want to say to people. And in this one I will not be telling people what I enjoy about them. Let's get started shall we? 1) First off, you are total and complete bitch. You yell at me for what I do when you're off doing the exact same thing. Except yours is worse because you never own up to your reputation. At least I can admit the mistakes I've made in the past have made me into what I am today. What you do is just about the same thing that I do just your actual actions are more innocent than mine, well not all of them. Own up to what you do. Slutt. 2) You can be one of the most two-faced people I have ever met. You'll talk shit about me behind my back then walk right over to me and start talking shit to me about the person you just just shit talked me too. MAKE UP YOUR FUCKING MIND! No one else may see it, but I do. And all that bullshit really needs to come to an end. Well that's it. Sorry if you were expecting to see a lot of people up here, but there were only two people I needed to bitch at without actually bitching at. And well, since I know they both read this, it feels like a huge weight has been lifted off of my chest. I guess I've just become so accustomed to you guys pointing out my imperfections and mistakes straight to my face that I just had to do it back to you. You seem to have no idea how it all affects me. YES! I have made mistakes. I own up to them every chance I can get. But I don't like them being pointed out over and over again. My chest tightens up and honestly I feel like I want to cry because I could be doing way worse things than what I have done. No one is perfect okay? I know you two like to think you are. But you're not. People make mistakes. They have these things called flaws. And so do you. I KNOW! How fucking shocking to even think that you could possibly be cursed with such a thing. Well there's the truth about what I think. Your names weren't posted because I thought I'd respect you, not that you would recognize respect if it hit you in the face. If you're interested that it could be you, just message me. I'll be only to happy to inform you if it is or not.