Okay so you may think I'm being retarded. Oh wait! You already do, I know this because someone left a nasty truthbox comment saying I should get over it because it's not like I lost a parent. Well I guess I'll go find your grandmother and giver her a heart attack. Let's see how you feel about it then. Dick. And yeah, I guess it would have been worse to lose a parent. And I'm happy both of mine are still around. But grandma was one of the most special people I ever knew. And she had her eccentric moments, but who doesn't? She bought me my first camera and got me interested in the arts of poetry and photography. Two things I absolutely adore to do. At family events she always had her camera out, taking pictures of everyone and everything. No one liked when she did that. But they would always have a grin on their face when they asked her to stop taking pictures. She was one of the friendliest people I knew. If I went up to Fred Meyer with her I could always count on every worker from Cosmetics to the Deli to know her name. Whenever I would walk down to get her mail, seemingly countless neighbors would shout out for me to say hi or to thank her for something they did for them. I loved spending weekends up there, although I would never admit it. Being away from everything gave me time to think. We would always have oatmeal and eggos for breakfast. Every night was spaghetti or mashed potatoes in front of the t.v with a good movie. Then stay up until one in the morning watching M*A*S*H. Afternoons were spent at the dining room table while my Bumpa, grandpa, taught me how to play solitaire and poker. It was peaceful, maybe even boring, existence. But I loved it. It's how it was. I knew how happy they were to have me up there. Even if it was only once a year that I would stay a weekend. But I always tried to go once a season. She was one of the most generous people I knew. Loved family holidays like Thanksgiving and Christmas because it brought us all together as a family. And although she hated Mother's Day, why I do not know, she put up with it because she knew that would drive up and see her one more day out of the year. Family was her whole life. And that, my friends, is why I am especially crushed by her sudden passing. The emptiness she's left on this planet, however small it is to others, will be felt by me for a long time. So don't be a doosche. Appreciate who and what you have. Because in an instant, they could be gone.