It amazes me how so many people tell you that high school will be the best four years of your life. But ever since freshman year, all I've wanted to do is to get out of it. The meaningless cliques, the stupid drama (which i have indulged in from time to time), everyone wants everything but no one actually knows what they need. We're all dogs chasing our tails in high school. Stupid things like prom queen actually matter. No on actually gives a shit if you were the prettiest, most popular girl in school with the best clothes. What actually matters is your people skills. I'm not saying that looks don't matter, I mean you want to make a good impression. But they don't matter as much. Honestly the real world sounds so much better than high school. For one, in college we get to learn about what we actually want to learn about. Also who you were in high school doesn't matter anymore. People like you for you and nothing else (excluding sororities and fraternities who judge pretty much on appearance.) All I want to do is just get out of here. Shoreline is constricting. I love the spirit of Seattle but I rarely get to be downtown anymore unless I'm visiting my mom at work. I want to get out of here and be at Western or WASU or MCLA. Somewhere where no one knows me and no one judges me. I just want to run away.