Holy bejesus it was hot today was it not? And it's supposed to be ONE HUNDRED tomorrow. It was even hotter here than in Jamaica is what a coach said today. That's just insane. Anywaaaays, I spent three hours in Abby's backyard slash on her trampoline teaching Christian how to do a front tuck. Haha. She got a basically perfect handspring and just needs to straighten out her body and she'll be set! Well I haven't seen Abigail in so long, unless you count like five minutes last night, that it was nice to chat with her and drink an insane amount of soda. Safe to say it was a great little day with my girls. Well Sammy and Morgan were there for a little bit but they left so yeah! Then after that fun time, already sweating and hot, I had practice. Woo! It was cut short because of the heat which was such a relief you do not even understand. The gym has no air conditioning and no fans on the side where we practice so we're always really hott and sweaty and icky. Sometimes I wish I was a guy so I could take off my shirt and not show my boobies. That's how hot it gets in there! The sad thing is that it's the last practice since it's supposed to be super hot on Thursday and the coaches think it would be inhumane to make us practice in that heat. And I say thank you to them. I was a wimp today though. Christian gave me TWO confidence texts and I didn't even talk to the bomb i think he's Latino boy at Cascade Elite. Too bad it's my last day. Oh well!