As you may have noticed, this summer I enjoyed putting down random PostSecrets that had nothing to do with my posting. That would be because I adore them! Like the one to my left cracks me up. It's the totally random secrets and not always the ones that are super emotional that I like the most. It reminds that in the midst of heavy secrets, some people can just be complete dorks. Anyways I had a doctors appointment today but I had to cancel it. Sorry Tarsi! I told my mommy and she thinks I have a bladder infection which is just a total buzzkill especially since it makes me pee every five seconds, I kid you not. So instead of a free clinic I get to see my real doctor. I don't like my real doctor. I still have my pediatrician and he's nice and all but I don't like going to rooms with names like 'The Ladybug Room' or 'The Frog Room.' Oh and cherry on top of it all one time I was in the waiting room and this cute little eight year old girl yelled, real loud too, "YOU HAVE BOOBIES!" Aren't small children just a trip? Hmmm. What else? Oh yesss, last Wednesday I went to Wild Waves with my Christiner Weiner. I believe that we had an amazing time. Christine had this like fourteen year old guy that was stalking her in the wave pool. Hee hee. Funny times. Plus we saw some kids we knew which was cool. Ahhh it was exciting. My daddy nearly puked when we went on the Pirate Ship. I had my hair in braids and I love it when I have my hair in braids :D Then we went on Timber Falls or whatever and I barely got my back wet. No freaking big deal or whateverrrr. Very proud of myself. Not much else is going on with me. I've been sleeping a ton lately. I think there might be something wrong with me so I'll ask my doctor tomorrow. Anywhooo, I'm watching a super good movie so I'm about to dip and focus on it. Can't wait to see mah gurl tonight!