Oh Katie. Dearest Katie. My Katie Bug. I do not even know where I even begin with this amazing little girl. Well I pretty much love this girl. Actually I DO love her! I've known her for a couple years but we didn't really start talking until 9
th grade health and even then barely ever. The next year in Integrated 2 math class we got pretty close. I told her about my acting adventures and we took a shitload of pictures via our laptop cameras. In fact I'm pretty sad slash shaken up that we can't take photographs on our computers this year. (If you know how to re-enable the cameras please let me know.
Anywho, this year me and Katie are in Algebra Dos together and I'm loving every second of it. Except for the fact she sits on the other side of the room from me. But I get to see her after class and we walk for several minutes together before splitting off. Now you are most likely wondering why in the world I am writing about my dear friend Katie. Well I will tell you. TODAY IS KATHERINE
WACHHOLZ BIRTHDAAAAAAY :D Oh jeez. And she is now eligible for her license. But kiddos, do not fret your little heads over her on the road. She is an excellent driver as I have had personal experience with her skills on a last minute
rendezvous to Burger King where I was outnumbered and the three others practically begged her to drive my moms car back to school. Here are a couple facts about my friend Katie; 1) She's gorgeous. 2) She's smart but needs my help in math, which I am happy to give! 3) She is hilarious even when not trying to be. 4) She's on flags. 5) because she's on flags she has to wear tiny little skirts. 6) In those tiny little skirts you will find she has fantastic legs. 7) She has such great legs because she runs a lot. 8) She hates being complimented and disagrees a lot. 9) She lives pretty damn close to
Marlies Brooks. 10) She has the cutest little style. 11) She has fantastic boobies. 12) She's my fork friend. 13) Basically wants to live and breathe in
Wisconsin. 14) She calls me Meghan Poop. 15) She will kill me for writing even two words of this entry so I should probably go. Okay