Tonight I went to the movies. I don't think I would have gone to see this movie if the person I had gone with hadn't suggested it. The Secret Life of Bees was an astonishingly good film. I don't regret going to see it. In fact I would have to say everyone should go see it. It touches on so many important topics and feelings. Abuse, death, racism, love, hate. These are things we face everyday. Well not so much racism anymore. Thank god. There were so many moments in the movie I felt like I was just about to break down and cry. It is one of the best movies I have seen. Possibly ever. You know those things that you can't explain why they're so great, they just are? This would be one of those things. Kind of like Nick Jonas and Ryan Shecklar.
Anyways I seem to find myself staying up late just to write in this dumb blog. It's nothing special too. No beautifuly written entries with lucious vocabulary. Just the thoughts that flow out of my head, to my fingers, onto the keyboard and through into the screen. I highly doubt anyone even reads this. But there's something about knowing that your thoughts can end up somewhere else besides taking up real estate with all the other stupid teen drama in your brain. It's like having your own venting machine. Like diaries are for seven-year olds. But this wastes less trees and our hands don't seem to cramp up as easily.
People in love aren't noted for using their brains. That's what my mom once told me. But what is love exactly?
In my group of kiddos I'm known for being the pessimistic of the bunch. I may of have said this all before. But it's what I believe in. And if you have things to say, be prepared to repeat over and over again to drill into people's brains. I. Do. Not. Believe. In. Love. But I am a hopeless romantic. Let me break it down for you; being in love and believing in romance are two very different things. I can be a romantic and never fall in love. Don't get me wrong, I would absolutely adore falling in love. Having someone to share the rest of your life with. It sounds blissfully perfect. But there's the snag right ther
e. Perfect, it's not something that's real. All the relationships around me have fallen apart. My mom and dad's. Both my grandparents. My aunt's marriage of five years. My uncle and his girlfriend of eight years. My best friends parents. Etc... Etc... Rinse and repeat. All the people I look up to have had failed relationships. As for me, I can't seem to keep someone around for more than two and half months. Nothing I do is good enough for anyone to stand me. I want to be with someone and have them do the cute little things like I see in the movies. Why isn't life that sinple?