This would be the amazing J.V team (: Just thought I'd share them with you tonight. We did amazing in our meet. Got 3rd place beating the 4th place team by over 19 points. Yeah, we're just that good. Took 2nd place on beam btw... Haha. Although it took up almost 1/3 of my day, I still really enjoyed it. But it sucked because I could only do 1 event, instead of 3 like usual, because I missed practice on Tuesday. I had forgot my leotard -_- Which is really dumb but whatever. Oh and this other girl got bumped up to varsity. In my opinion she's good, but definetly not good enough to be varsity. And she's only good on 1 event, but whatever. It was the coaches decision, not mine. This upcoming Saturday is our last meet as a full team. Then it's districts and hopefully state. I've gotten a lot better on bars, but I ripped last Thursday and so it hurts. Like a lot because it's sort of big and really easy for dirt and chalk to get into it. And that hurts.

Do you guys have a best friend? I do. Several of them actually and that lovely lady with me above to be like the best. Anyways, everyone should have a BFFL (best friend for life) they help a lot. It's nice to know that there's someone out there who knows you better then you know yourself, even when you seem to know yourself pretty damn well. When the world says "give up", they'll whisper "try one more time." Why am I so hung up on good friends? Because, and this is a cliche, I have no idea where I would be without them. Tarsi and Jenny seem to make me face reality everytime I go off track. Chrissy and Alan are always there to give me a great time when I feel like shit. Charlotte and Lisa keep me on the straight and narrow as my goody-goody, in a good way, friends. Lastly, all the ones that have walked out of my life; Michelle S was my best friend for 15 years and then just up and stops talking to me. She gave the best years. I was able to experience so much and meet new people with her. This brings me to Natalie, really good friends for around 3 years. I was introduced to drugs and drinking with her. But those were good as well as bad times. She also showed me that it was okay to speak your mind and have a fun time with life. Finally, KK. 4 years of friendship goes bye-bye over a boy. A boy. Yeah, retarded. I could tell her almost anything. With her I was able to just rant and bitch about whatever. But I lied about how I felt, and lost her trust. Thus, it was my fault. This is really of no importance to anyone else. But I place friends higher on the list then breathing when it comes to what matters in life.