I've never done this before. Here goes nothing.
Damn. I still feel like I have a killer hangover. I got way wasted Friday night. Basically made a total ass out of myself in front of a guy I thought was cute. Well, that's typical for me. Not the getting sloshed part, but the making an idiot of myself part. I definitely don't want to go to school tomorrow. I didn't get any homework done because I spent Saturday at a gymnastics meet. My parents still made me go to it. Which was good, I placed on bars even with the worst hangover. And then Sunday was spent sleeping and sneaking onto the computers around the house. Now I'm sitting here procrastinating with only ten minutes left on my school laptop, and I still need to take a shower...
I had a lot of time to think on the two hour bus ride to Bellingham yesterday, even though it was spent sleeping half the time. Anyways, I mostly thought about my past and how the hell I could have ended up where I am today. Don't get me wrong for the most part I love my life. But I'm just not at a position I want to be in. I'm not the honor student or the star athlete. I don't fit into any one particular mold. When I was younger, academics and sports were my life. But then I met people that muct have changed how I viewed the world. Suddenly all I cared about was chasing a high and getting some booze. I want to go back in time and fix whatever inside of me got rearranged. I want to be six again.
Hi To The New Year: I promise this year will be different....