And this blog is about me today. I'm saving the rant for the last day I will have him. Look for it Weds, I promise! Anyways, most people who know me, know that I live with both my parents. Half the time in Shoreline and the other half in Lake City. Since I don't curretly have a license or car. I am forced to take the bus back and forth. It's not a bad ride, about an hour each way. And I have my iPod to keep me company. But I just hate the fact I have to live like this. I know, I know. Plenty of people get divorced. Hence, why I don't believe in love. But that is an entirely different subject. I love both my parents. My mom is helluh chill with me and allows me to do a lot that I don't normally get to do. But my dad makes sure I do my homework and keep my grades up. They worked so well together. I don't know what made them split. It's been almost 9 and 1/2 years since it happened. July 22nd, 2000. I'll honestly never forget that day. We had gotten home around 9 p.m. from a Mariners game and naturally I had run down the street to Michelle's house to flaunt my new souvenirs. I then proceeded back up the hill to my house at around 9:30ish. I walked in the door to find my mom crying on the sofa. I asked her what was wrong and she told me "daddy doesn't love mommy anymore." Keep in mind I was a mere child at age 7. I then proceeded to wander back down the block to Michelle's again and inform her that my parent's had split. My mom accompanied me as Michelle's mom was her best friend at the time. I slipped into the bathroom with Michelle and Mason, her brother one year my junior, as to avoid her visiting cousins who I didn't know well enough for them to overhear our conversation. I don't know for how many months I cried myself to sleep after that. But it was well into my 8th birthday for sure, which is in November. I just couldn't deal with driving from Lake City to West Seattle, my dad's residence back then. And then on the frightful day of August 24th, 2002, Jill moved in and my life has been in a downward spiral ever since. I'd go on about her. But that could take up far to much room.