Oh my lord. Christian Elizabeth Mason! How I love your golden curls of sexxx :D You are one of the most amazing chicas I have ever met. There are so many things that remind me of you. So many in fact, that I cannot go a day without seeing something that reminds me of you. Haha. It goes all the way from 7-11 hot chocolate to creepers in subway. Our mutual hatred of Miley Cyrus/Hannah Montana/Gehrke. I hope you like the picture I associate with you btw... And as I am typing this I am looking directly at our lovely Bethany G. Love her so much! Haha. God there are just so many little things that add up to our friendship! Uffie, Spiro, stealing food, undrinken milk, butt sex, Selena Gomez, inner-city kids, bowing, hott apple guys, fourth period, slut nicknames, lettuce wraps, slugbug game; just to name a couple... :D But yes, you are one of the most jaw-dropping and stupendous guuuurl ever. While I hate to hear it, I know that I can count on you to tell me what's what. You one of the only people I know that will tell me exactly how you feel about me. And I admire you for that. I can trust you with just about anything and know if I tell you not to tell, then that secret is kept under lock and key. If I'm having a crappy day, all I have to do is look at your 100 megawatt smile and the beautiful untamed mane atop your head, and I feel so much better. Ahwww (: Yes. Yes. I thoroughly hope you enjoy this entry and hope you know that there is so much more I can say about you then that is up here. And remember, I may be a hoe, but I am your hoe!