Ahw Katie Bug. This one's for you, haha. First off I just want to ask you one thing; do you know how long it took me to find that freaking PostSecret that even remotely related to math? A freakishly long time. But you wanted me to do it, so I did. That my friend is how much I adore you. Secondly you are what makes my 'B' days a little more bearable. I mean I have Gehrke fourth period, but you're just a little more fun to be around. I enjoy our little text messaging conversations. Especially today's. Heh heh. I still have those pictures. That wasn't intended to sound dirty at all btw... Anyways you amuse me to no end. It really helps out because, while I adore math, it's one of my most boring classes. Mostly because of the teacher and everyone with Marapao will back me up on it. Haha. Anyways, I'm gonna wrap this upp. Love you KatieBug :D