I just realized we are three weeks into summer. Just thought I'd share that with you. Anyways, it is an incredible day. Very sunny and warm. I think after this I might go tanning on my deck. I'm so pale it's ridiculous. How is your summer treating you so far? Good I would hope. Whether you're stuck in Washington like me or having a blast somewhere tropical or in the middle of Europe. These past few weeks have been pretty amazing for some reason. I haven't done anything too spectacular, just hung out with friends and caught up on a ridiculous amount of sleep. But I feel so happy lately. I can't really explain why. For once in my life the only thing that stresses me out is my step-mom, but that's nothing new now is it? The only thing I can connect to it is that I stopped talking to someone. Yeah they were a great person but I was too attached to them and they didn't return my feelings. Even though I knew this I always ended up dissapointing myself with him. But since I stopped talking to him I'm so much happier. Maybe he isn't the only thing that's changed but it's the main thing that I can think of at the moment other than the fact that I've decided to please myself more than I want to please other people. So between these two things life just can't get any better. Sorry if I'm sounded retarded or insanely happy but I've never felt truly blissful with myself AND with my life. It's such an amazing feeling. Okaaaay well I'm gonna bounce now. Going to tan and get ready for practice tonight. Some helluh fine boys to see there (: