

I really hate people who don't try. The kind of people that think they're better then homework. They care more about a social life then where they're going in life. I'm not saying don't have one, but there needs to be balance. And there's going to be those times when we have to say to ourselves "I really can't do anything tonight because I have this project I need to get done." It sucks I agree but it has to be done. I'm working tonight. I would so much rather go to the football game, but I can't. If I were to call up my boss and not go to work I could get fired. But unfortunately there are those people that just get by in life. The people that would rather go to the movies then finish the math homework. These people thrive in high school, but when it comes time for college they are fucked. They'll have shit for a G.P.A and no extracurriculars to put down because they would rather have hung out with people instead of doing something. And while everyone else is off at college they'll be stuck at home or trying to find a job that barely pays minimum wage and wishing they hadn't fucked around as much during school. So have a nice life (:



Not a lot to say tonight. Sure there's been plenty on my mind, but not really much I want to talk about. I still tell my friends some of what I've been thinking of. For me it's always been easier to talk about what I'm feeling then to just harbor it inside. Except that lately I've been pondering things that I'm not sharing even with my closest friends. The thoughts crowding my brain aren't exactly life changing or anything. It's just very out of the ordinary for me not to share things with Christine or Alan. Well, I most definitely do not tell them everything. But the small mundane things to problems I need help with I spill to them. It almost worries me that I'm not going to them about this stuff. I feel like I'm starting to close myself off from everyone, from everything, and that it's starting with them, two of the last people I would ever want to be out of my life. If I was closing myself off they would be the final ones to go, not the first. I don't even know. I'm just confused I guess. In all aspects. Life, love, school, friends, family, work. Nothing is really going right. Life is spinning out of control. Love is not a large part in my life (read non-exsistent), high school is overrated, friends are full of stupid drama, family has always been trouble and work does not pay me enough to stand on concrete covered carpet for six hours a day.