"I wish I could tie you up in my shoes, make you feel unpretty too. I was told I was beautiful but what does that mean to you?" I'm not an unattractive person. That isn't meant to sound conceited, it's just my opinion. If you look around at my friends they are all so beautiful. Whether it's their hair (Christian), their boobies (Christine haha) or their eyes (Lizzie.) I always feel like they outrank me in every category. Lately I've been tired so I try and sleep in as late as I can but this generally involves me not putting any make-up on in the morning. And then Christian pops by my door and I instantly regret it. I try again the next day and the next. I am hoping that one day I can feel good about who I am and what I look like. Personally, I blame the media for most of the problem. You can't turn on the t.v without seeing some stick thin model batting her eyelashes at you. It makes a lot of turn to our perfectly good looking bodies and feel fat. For me I am a little chubby in the stomach area but I really hope to tone it out this summer in Pilate's. But for the most part I have an okay looking body. But the thing that bothers me the most is when your own friends criticize you, even jokingly. As teenage girls our self esteem basically hits the floor when we hit high school. So even a small joke which we laugh off will stay in our minds as we go home and look in the mirror. For example I get teased for not having a butt. But when I look in the mirror I think it's nice and proportionate to the rest of my body since I have a more petite figure. But I still can't help and look at everyone around me and wish that I could have their complexion or their non-frizzy hair or their perfect teeth. High school sucks to begin with, the last thing we need is a whole bunch of gorgeous girls running around and screwing it up.